Saturday, January 9, 2010

Army of Two: 40th Day

Total: 7/10

Got my copy of Army of Two: 40th Day yesterday and am enjoying it very much. From hearing bad reviews about the first Army of Two, I never played it, so I dont know if this is better that the first or not. The first thing I noticed was the Gears of War control scheme. It is just about exactly the same, and just finishing Gears of War 2 a few days ago, I was happy I was used to the control scheme. The two best things about this game so far: 1. The number of explosions. Holy fuck, you turn the corner, and something else will explode. 2. The number of enemies. There is no shortage at all, and the gameplay is very fast paced. Both of these elements combined into one game have made me a very happy man. But there are a few bad things. 1. The amount of cutscenes. Way too many, whether its showcasing a new area, new enemy, opening a door, or something else exploding, or whats around the corner, or more shit exploding, theres just way too many. 2. The "power limit" on your helmet GPS. your helmet has a power limit for the GPS, so it turns off automatically every once in a while, then you have to wait for it to recharge, and hit the select button again.

Graphics for this game are pretty good.

Variation on the weapons is nice too. Yes, you have to buy the weapons, but there is no shortage of money. You need a new weapon? most likely youll always have the money to buy it. For instance, I kept dying at the guy with the gatling gun the first time. Pressed Y, bought the shotgun, and I was good to go. You can save your money for fun stuff too, (who wouldnt want diamond encrusted grenades?)

Well, I finished the game. Overall 7/10

Why? Well, I think the game deserves one point for every hour I played and graphics and stuff. That right, took me 5 hours. I havent tested the Versus or co-op, but I assume that its like versus and co-op on any other game. There is also a mode called extraction which I have not tried yet. I also believe there are two alternate ending. One if you get negative morality on everything like I did, and another one If you gain morality on all the others. I will not be playing through it again to find out the other ending.

Summary: If you like co-op games, this is for you. I think the only reason you would buy this game is if you liked the first one, and many lots of friends to play this on co-op with.

Overall, like Ive said for many games: RENT IT, unless you want to do co-op or versus with friends. Or, buy it and resell it. I think one of those two are your best options.

Next review: Dark Void

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